For those of us suffering from hip pain, even walking or rolling over in bed can become burdensome. Whether it’s from years of overuse or an accident, arthritis or from genetic, hip pain requires management and attention if you are to maintain full range of motion and mobility. Fortunately, there are a variety of treatments available that can reduce or eliminate hip pain. These treatments range from rest to total replacement surgery. While the latter may one day be inevitable depending on the extent of your condition, there are ways to either prevent or prolong this. Here are some doctor-recommended tips and tricks you can do without undergoing the knife to help relieve your hip pain.
Losing Weight
Hips are responsible for supporting the weight of your body whether you are moving or standing still. The more weight you carry, the greater the burden on your hips. A healthy body mass index (BMI) can reduce your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and many cancers. It also prevents your hips from having additional pressure on them. If your BMI is higher than recommended for your height and you are experiencing hip pain, losing weight may significantly reduce your pain. Talk to your doctor about healthy ways to lose weight and benefit from healthy nutrients that can keep your joints and bones strong.
Cryotherapy, also known as ice therapy, is a great way to reduce inflammation and pain. Ice wrapped in a cloth should be applied to the hip in intervals of 10-15 minutes when experiencing pain. (Never place the ice directly on the skin.) The icing can reduce inflammation and numb the pain.
Hip pain does not mean you can no longer be active. It just means you have to be smart about how you exercise. Seek out low-impact exercises to keep your body healthy and strong while reducing impact on the hip. Strengthening exercises for your thighs and legs are essential as well, as everything is connected. Exercise will strengthen your muscles, ligaments, and tendons and make your body flexible and mobile. If you need help finding the right types of exercises, talk to a fitness trainer to help you devise a targeted workout.
There are a variety of medications that can help relieve hip pain. Here are some examples. Over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Motrin or Aleve are good for reducing inflammation and pain. Many doctors recommend corticosteroid injections such as Cortisone to reduce pain. Those who seek out more homeopathic approaches often opt for natural anti-inflammatories such as Turmeric and curcumin to provide natural pain relief. It is important to remember that, while these medications and treatments may reduce pain, they will not heal your hip there is a physical damage to area.
Physical Therapy
Your doctor might refer you to a physical therapist to help strengthen the affected area. Physical therapists are experts in musculoskeletal conditions that can cause hip pain and will create a customized exercise plan best suited for your condition.
If you have watched elite athletes recently and noticed colorful tape covering parts of their body, it’s not for decoration or to show team spirit. Elastic therapeutic tape – also called kinesiology or KT tape – when placed over or around an injured or vulnerable area, can reduce inflammation by correcting weak alignment in the muscle, as well as lifting the area to allow for more healing blood flow. When considering KT tape, it is best to consult with a trainer, physical therapist, or orthopedist to ensure the tape is applied properly.
When it comes to hip pain, your hips don’t lie. If you are experiencing hip pain, talk to an orthopedic physician as soon as possible to diagnose the source of the pain and to get recommendations on what types of treatments are best for you. An orthopedist will recommend additional tips and tricks to reduce pain and help you live a happy, active, and pain free life.
OrthoUnited is devoted to diagnosing, treating, and preventing adult and pediatric musculoskeletal system injuries and conditions. If you are experiencing hip pain or any other type of musculoskeletal issue, call (844) 469-2663 to make an appointment today.